
Lead Scoring: HubSpot CRM functions Explained

Written by Project36 | 19.4.2024

Lead Scoring: HubSpot CRM functions Explained

Lead scoring is a pivotal function within the HubSpot CRM system. It is a methodology used to rank prospects against a scale that represents the perceived value each lead represents to the organisation. The resulting score is used to determine which leads a receiving function (like sales, or marketing) will engage, in order of priority.

HubSpot CRM, a comprehensive customer relationship management platform, offers robust lead scoring capabilities. These capabilities allow businesses to effectively prioritise their leads, ensuring that their sales and marketing efforts are directed towards the most promising prospects. This article will delve into the intricacies of lead scoring within the HubSpot CRM system, providing a detailed explanation of its functions and how it can be utilised to optimise business operations.

Understanding Lead Scoring

Before delving into the specifics of HubSpot CRM's lead scoring function, it's crucial to understand what lead scoring is and why it's important. Lead scoring is a method used by sales and marketing departments to assign a value to each lead they receive. This value, or score, is based on various factors, such as the lead's interaction with the company's website, their demographic information, and their level of engagement with the company's marketing efforts.

The primary purpose of lead scoring is to help businesses identify and prioritise their most valuable leads. By assigning a score to each lead, businesses can ensure that their sales and marketing teams are focusing their efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert into customers. This not only increases the efficiency of these teams but also improves the company's overall conversion rate.

The Importance of Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is an essential tool for any business that wants to optimise its sales and marketing efforts. By prioritising leads based on their score, businesses can ensure that their sales and marketing teams are focusing their efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert into customers. This not only increases the efficiency of these teams but also improves the company's overall conversion rate.

Furthermore, lead scoring can help businesses identify potential opportunities for upselling and cross-selling. By analysing a lead's score and the factors that contributed to it, businesses can gain insights into the lead's interests and needs, which can be used to tailor their sales and marketing strategies accordingly.

Factors Influencing Lead Scoring

There are several factors that can influence a lead's score. These include the lead's demographic information, their level of engagement with the company's marketing efforts, and their interaction with the company's website. For example, a lead who has visited the company's website multiple times, downloaded content, and filled out a contact form would likely have a higher score than a lead who has only visited the website once and has not engaged with any of the company's marketing efforts.

It's also worth noting that different businesses may assign different weights to these factors based on their specific needs and goals. For example, a B2B company might place more weight on a lead's job title and company size, while a B2C company might place more weight on a lead's age and location.

Lead Scoring in HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM offers robust lead scoring capabilities that can be customised to suit the specific needs and goals of a business. These capabilities allow businesses to assign scores to their leads based on a variety of factors, including the lead's demographic information, their level of engagement with the company's marketing efforts, and their interaction with the company's website.

One of the key features of HubSpot CRM's lead scoring function is its ability to automatically update a lead's score based on their actions. For example, if a lead visits the company's website, their score will automatically increase. Similarly, if a lead unsubscribes from the company's email list, their score will automatically decrease. This ensures that a lead's score is always up-to-date and accurately reflects their level of interest in the company's products or services.

Setting Up Lead Scoring in HubSpot CRM

Setting up lead scoring in HubSpot CRM is a straightforward process. The first step is to define the criteria that will be used to score leads. These criteria can be based on a variety of factors, including the lead's demographic information, their level of engagement with the company's marketing efforts, and their interaction with the company's website.

Once the criteria have been defined, they can be assigned a weight. The weight determines how much each criterion will contribute to a lead's overall score. For example, a criterion that is considered highly important might be assigned a weight of 10, while a criterion that is considered less important might be assigned a weight of 1.

Using Lead Scoring in HubSpot CRM

Once lead scoring has been set up in HubSpot CRM, it can be used to prioritise leads and guide sales and marketing efforts. For example, leads with high scores can be prioritised for follow-up by the sales team, while leads with low scores can be targeted with marketing campaigns designed to increase their level of engagement.

Furthermore, lead scoring can be used to segment leads based on their scores. For example, leads with scores in the top 20% could be classified as "hot leads" and prioritised for immediate follow-up, while leads with scores in the bottom 20% could be classified as "cold leads" and targeted with nurturing campaigns.

Benefits of Using Lead Scoring in HubSpot CRM

There are several benefits to using lead scoring in HubSpot CRM. First and foremost, it allows businesses to prioritise their leads, ensuring that their sales and marketing efforts are directed towards the most promising prospects. This not only increases the efficiency of these teams but also improves the company's overall conversion rate.

Furthermore, lead scoring in HubSpot CRM is highly customisable, allowing businesses to define their own scoring criteria and weights based on their specific needs and goals. This ensures that the lead scoring system accurately reflects the business's priorities and provides valuable insights into the lead's interests and needs.

Improved Sales Efficiency

One of the key benefits of using lead scoring in HubSpot CRM is that it can significantly improve the efficiency of the sales team. By prioritising leads based on their scores, the sales team can focus their efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert into customers. This not only saves time and resources but also increases the likelihood of closing deals.

Furthermore, lead scoring can provide the sales team with valuable insights into a lead's interests and needs, which can be used to tailor their sales approach accordingly. For example, if a lead has a high score and has shown a particular interest in a specific product, the sales team can focus on highlighting the benefits of that product during their sales pitch.

Enhanced Marketing Effectiveness

Lead scoring can also enhance the effectiveness of marketing efforts. By segmenting leads based on their scores, the marketing team can tailor their campaigns to target different segments with messages that are most likely to resonate with them. For example, a campaign targeting "hot leads" might focus on promoting the benefits of the company's products or services, while a campaign targeting "cold leads" might focus on nurturing these leads and increasing their level of engagement.

Furthermore, lead scoring can provide the marketing team with valuable insights into a lead's interests and needs, which can be used to create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns. For example, if a lead has a high score and has shown a particular interest in a specific product, the marketing team can create a campaign that highlights the benefits of that product.


Lead scoring is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of sales and marketing efforts. By assigning a value to each lead, businesses can prioritise their leads and ensure that their sales and marketing teams are focusing their efforts on the most promising prospects.

HubSpot CRM offers robust lead scoring capabilities that can be customised to suit the specific needs and goals of a business. Whether a business is looking to improve sales efficiency, enhance marketing effectiveness, or simply gain a better understanding of their leads, lead scoring in HubSpot CRM can provide the solution.

Transform Your Lead Scoring with Project36

Ready to elevate your lead scoring strategy and harness the full power of HubSpot CRM? Project36 is your expert partner in crafting transformative B2B marketing solutions. As a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner Agency, we specialize in maximizing your CRM's potential, ensuring your sales and marketing teams target the most valuable leads. Our AI-enabled chatbots and strategic incentive strategies are designed to enhance engagement and drive sales performance. Committed to sustainability and backed by top-tier compliance certifications, we're equipped to support your global business needs. Start the conversation with us today and watch your business thrive.